369 West Street N., Orillia, ON L3V 5E5
Phone: (705) 326-4351

Great Smiles are by Choice
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Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

Starting May 1/2024, Dentistry on West will be accepting the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) for our existing patient base. CDCP does not provide free dental care (despite false claims made to the contrary).  It helps cover PART OF THE COST of your care.  Patients will be responsible for the differences.

CDCP is for Canadians who do not have private dental benefits.  Those who have such plans should think very carefully before changing your benefits.  If you cancel, you still may not be eligible.  If you do qualify, it may still end up costing you more than what you pay currently for an equivalent level of care.  Remember that most premiums are paid for with pre-tax dollars, so you would not receive the same amount back if you cancel.  Political change may also affect the plan, so best not to rush.

Please bring your CDCP membership card when you come for your appointment.

More information about the plan can be found at Government of Canada website

The Ontario Dental Association has prepared an FAQ for patients

Dentistry on West in Orillia