369 West Street N., Orillia, ON L3V 5E5
Phone: (705) 326-4351

Great Smiles are by Choice
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Dr. Frank Vreugdenhil

Dr. Frank Vreugdenhil grew up on a farm in Frankford Ontario; near the beautiful Bay of Quinte. He studied Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo and then moved on to the University of Western Onatrio for his degree in dentistry (DDS). Upon graduation, Frank moved back to the Bay of Quinte region where he practiced for 11 years as a general dentist. In 2016, he and his family moved to Orillia to be closer to their family and friends. He now practices in Wasaga Beach as well as Dentistry On West.

Dr. Vreugdenhil enjoys general dentistry for the variety of treatments that he is able to offer, and the wide range of people he is able to meet. In his spare time, he enjoys nature, fishing, and spending time with family and friends; ideally somewhere near the water.

Dentistry on West in Orillia